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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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>To pause/quit the game, you need to enter full screen for some reason.

I think the WebPlayer version gets drawn over by the quickmenu on the side.
I had the same issue that I couldn't pause/give up, then widened the window (on a 1920px wide monitor) and managed to pause - Only thing that changed was the position of the "View all by Alarts / Follow / Add to collection..." quick actions.

Addictive game. The "ONE MORE RUN" feel is absolute with this.

Pretty hard immediately after a few levels,  and actually requires strategising turns instead of all-out attacks as soon as you're able. This means you need both sheer luck and brainpower to master the game.

I would just point out a couple things that I'd see as nice:

  • Ability to speed up animations. Like, if you keep mouse buttons pressed it goes x2, and maybe even x3-x4 speed if you hold both buttons. Not that big of a deal, but multi-hit attacks (especially with lots of enemies) draw out fights a lot.
  • Does the pause button really work? It stops animations, but the timer keeps going. Is this intended? TBH it could be, since you're still able to see enemies and dice and you could exploit it to think out strategies while keeping time score low.
  • As some people said below, the "Give up" button is just a "Restart". Makes sense in the kind of game it is, but maybe make it two buttons? Restart Run button + Give Up / Title Screen?
  • This would mean making title screen a little more "appealing". Maybe insert a way to see what achievements you have obtained.
  • Finally, for how much this game is fast-paced, a "save" function would still be lovely. It's perfect to put in a little run on lunch break, but having to crush that perfect dice deck because you're already 5 minutes over break is a little heartwrenching.

I do understand though that points 3-4-5 are more suited for a full length game, rather than a roguelite.

As for the lack of tutorial, I'd say newcomers might find help in at least a little introduction. Maybe a "training before entering the dungeon" kind of setup. 

Can't really vouch for it though, I'm used to different roguelite types so it wasn't a big issue to me, I wouldn't be the best person to suggest tutorial ideas.